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Blog Tour Review - Looking for Lucie by Amanda Addison

 Blog Tour Review - Looking for Lucie by Amanda Addison "Where are you really from?" It's a question every brown girl in a white-washed town is familiar with, and one that Lucie has never been able to answer. All she knows is that her mother is white, she's never met her father, and she looks nothing like the rest of her family. She can't even talk about it because everyone says it shouldn't matter! Well, it matters to Lucie and-with her new friend Nav, who knows exactly who he is-she's determined to find some answers. What do you do when your entire existence is a question with no answer? You do a DNA test. Looking for Lucie is a fascinating look at what it is like growing up mixed race in contemporary Britain. It's a story about family and culture, and what they can mean for different people, as Lucie tries to figure out where she fits into the world. She doesn't look like any of the rest of her family, and her ethnicity is impossible to figure o

Guest Posts

I love writing posts for other people's blogs! It's a really lovely part of the book blogging community.

Here are the ones I've written so far:

My Simply Shakespeare post on Rosiefrecklereads is here.

In this post I talk about one of my favourite Shakespeare adaptations, when Joss Whedon basically just invited a load of his mates over to his big Californian house and filmed them all doing a performance of Much Ado About Nothing. 

My Feminist February post on My Little Library in the Attic is here.

I loved getting an opportunity to participate in this fantastic series of guest posts Jo did across the whole of February 2018. I talked about Laura Steven, and her brilliant novel, The Exact Opposite of Okay.

My Desert Island Books post on A Little But A Lot can be found here.

Steph sent me off to a desert island with only a handful of books, a bunch of songs and some tea and snacks.

The Perfect Day over on That Fiction Life is here.

Olivia invited me to be part of her Blogmas celebrations. I'm really fond of the little post I sent her about making a batch of animal biscuits.

All Liam Wants for Christmas is here on No Safer Place.

Zoe invited me over to her blog for a Blogmas Christmas challenge. It was great fun.

I've got a few more guest posts lined up for the next few months.
If you want to collaborate or have anything you'd like me to try, please get in touch.



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